Okay, I’ve been making money online since the early ’90s. People get jealous when I would tell them I sit at home eating chocolate cake and drinking milkshakes and playing video games for a living. It’s because I grew up around computes and the internet before it became commercial. I wish I had listened to wiser heads and been GREEDY.
Nowadays I do the same thing but more of it. Work at home or wherever there is broadband or an internet connection. I’m an artist and writer so I cover a lot of bases often changing up my routine to take the best advantage of today’s markets and opportunities.
Believe me, if I can make money online YOU can make money online.
I’ve seen senior citizens end up with awesome incomes once they got their gig on. Kids in high school and college. Moms who had no exec skills and artists who couldn’t get a break if they tried. Now these people are raking in tons of money and I wish I had studied more but there’s a whole new day now thanks to social networking.
So my newsletter will come out frequently with lots of freebies, tutorials, courses, webinars and more.